Hope Rising

Post-Election Emotionalism Disorder is rampant. It’s okay to grieve and ponder the future; it's another to destroy property in unruly protests. It would seem things can only get worse.   

But there’s a cure—spend time with a younger child. Here’s an example:

My tween-aged grandson plays sports and that commitment means going to all the practices—even the rainy, muddy ones, going to all the games—even in a losing season, and always making time for his real work—school.

And school is where he’s required to meet new academic standards—complete with nightly homework, extra reading, and projects. Good grades aren’t easily earned.

Chores are part of his daily life too. Like most families, they work hard all day and come home tired. He recently told me, “It helps when I help.”

And there you have truth in one line: It helps when I help.

If a young boy can do sports without the needless sports participation trophies, work hard for his grades, and help out because he wants to make a difference, then I am optimistic about our future.

Thankfully, it’s not just my grandson. I’ve seen it in the school where I volunteer. These are America’s Post-Millennial or iGeneration kids.

More is expected out of them, and they’re meeting those demands. This is good for our nation, our future, and something to be very thankful for as we sit around our Thanksgiving tables.

And for those suffering with Post-Election Emotionalism Disorder, our nation will be okay. 

We have a younger generation rising up that is learning to work hard, expect less to be done for them, and instead ask, “what can I do to help?” 

The rest of us would be wise to ask ourselves the same question.

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