Behind the Curtain of Darkness

by Bob Gorrell 

We are marveling at the Olympic athletes competing in the Winter games in South Korea. Their strength, determination, and incredible feats seem to defy human limitations.

So, without detracting from the Olympic athletes, I object to honoring North Korea—a nation that allows its people to starve and be tortured for seeming non-compliance to worshipping their leader Kim Jong Un. 

Citizens live in poverty and a constant state of fear. They are brutalized in ways no human should ever face.

Yet the reporters from PyeongChang are painting a beautifully serene picture of North Korean athletes. Do not be fooled. Those smiling North Korean faces are a mask. Death awaits anyone who defies the Supreme Ruler. They know this fully. Many fear their own thoughts could somehow betray them.

Listen to the testimonies of those who’ve escaped North Korea. They’ve eaten dirt to stave off excruciating hunger pains and their minds are tormented by images of their loved one’s executions.

The North Korean athletes are a media front for a rogue regime that would just as soon take over South Korea, and annihilate populous cities in the United States with nuclear weapons.

Those smiling faces don’t change the reality of what these athletes will return home to after the closing ceremonies. North Korea is not a place you’d ever want to live, and its citizens know they have little hope ever leaving alive.

The North Korean athletes can’t use our pity or our praise. They don’t need media’s false image of what’s behind their curtain of darkness. 

What they need is our pledge to help them defeat their oppressive government. Now that would be a real Olympic victory.

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