Dear Selfie Girl
You’re young enough to be my granddaughter, which makes me old enough for you to consider me an old lady. But I care more about you than hundreds of your Facebook “friends”. Your countless selfies have plenty of sex appeal, and I noticed the hotter the picture the more likes you get. Even though we’re “friends” I haven’t liked many of your pictures, but not for the reasons you think. Yes, you’re young, beautiful and fifty likes may make you feel good. But I’d rather “like” the person you really are. Has anyone ever thanked you for helping some of the other kids with their schoolwork? That’s generous of you. Or have any of your friends noticed how well you write? Did anyone else notice how you helped the shy little boy at your bus stop? His mom told me that he hated going to school until the “girl with nice eyes” made his bus ride fun. You’re much more than your selfies. (Not that I’d tell you this, but psychologists refer to...