Take a Liking to Hiking
The General Social Survey recently reported that only 14% of Americans are “very happy” and not surprisingly, 50% feel isolated. The American Psychological Association has issued their own findings, stating that 70% of Americans consider the time they are living in as the lowest point in US History. And then there’s Twitter claiming that Americans’ happiness in recent weeks is the lowest ever recorded. Another report offered a solution that’s found in two colors: green and blue. In other words, get outside and enjoy the blue sky, some blue waters, and the green grasses and trees. This immediately reminded me of Shirley. It was when I was going through my turbulent teens that Mom thought Shirley could help. At 16, I found solace driving my car faster than I should while blaring loud rock music. Mom introduced me to her friend and then left me with her for the day. I might as well have been sentenced to some juvenile detention center. But Shirley just gave me ...