A New Season
This picture represents something coming to an end. My husband Tom and I stopped to take a selfie in the now empty home that had been his parents. We’d spent several weeks packing up a lifetime of belongings and moved his mom to an easier place for her to live. Yet, it’s hard. As I look at the photo, I can see the hint of sadness in Tom’s eyes. This was where we’d gathered when we had young families and it’s where Tom had spent the last weeks of his father’s life. Endings are not always easy. But I remind myself that when something, like a home that brought family together, has come to an end, it can also bring an opportunity for a new beginning somewhere else. Family times and celebrations will continue as another generation takes the torch and creates special memories in new ways. So even though a season ends, a new one begins. I’ve lived long enough to learn that the cord that binds us together through all of life’s seasons isn’t the place we li...