Boundless Challenge Anniversary
Last July I embarked on the Boundless Summertime Challenge. It was intended for young people beginning their journeys into adulthood. But I hoped to kick-start my faith walk. I'm certainly at life’s halfway point so I looked where I’d been and how I wanted to finish my race. The daily Challenge assignments pointed out how we battle similar things at different times in our life. When the Challenge ended, I was motivated to live with greater purpose. We were also asked to memorize Romans 12. Several verses are stark reminders of my weakest links. So as I celebrate my Challenge anniversary, I reviewed my progress. God knows I’m still at work and he continues to shine his light on where I am and where I need to go. Romans 12:2 Do not be shaped by this world; instead be changed within by a new way of thinking. My age doesn’t give me immunity to the constant barrage of input confronting me. So I’m choosy with what I read, watch, and do. Thought control leads to ...