Mom Malpractice

When I became a mother, Mom told me my life would never be my own again. She was right, and it has been a most amazing, life-changing journey.  

and the lessons I'd learn....

It was one of those long nights with a sick child. By the time my 16-month-old daughter finally went to sleep, I collapsed in bed exhausted. But I’d inadvertently left the cap off a nearly empty bottle of children’s chewable Tylenol pills. 

As fate would have it, this was also the night my child learned how to climb out of her crib. Not quite satisfied with that jail break, she toddled into the kitchen, spied the bottle of Tylenol on the counter, pushed a chair over and climbed up.

She woke me a few minutes later babbling about an empty bottle. A frantic call to the poison control center followed. All was fine. But it was a clear case of mom malpractice.

My son, born 7 years later, had a much wiser mom in many ways. However, one time while walking alongside the pool watching my daughter’s synchronized swimming routine, my squirmy son managed to extricate himself from the stroller—in mere seconds. 

I ran and grabbed him before he fell into the pool. More evidence against me.

My mom malpractice case deepened in my kid’s teen years. Harsh words that I shouldn’t have said, and not nearly enough of the supportive and encouraging words that could have gone so much further. Such avoidable Mom malpractice.

Thankfully God protected my kids from physical harm while giving them big enough hearts to forgive me and heal from mental injustices along the way. 

Mom malpractice is just part of my journey. Time, along with an ample supply of God’s grace, helped me become a better mom. 

I’ve learned so much from my kids—about life being less about me, and more about others. As adults, they continue to teach me—using their own life experiences and passions. Now, as a very special gift by God’s design, I have a second chance at motherhood—as a grandma!

 Happy Mother’s Day!

Grace holds you when everything else falls apart — and whispers that everything is really falling together.” Ann Voskamp

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