Encouraging Rocks

Right outside my cabin, beneath a cedar tree, I’ve used beach rocks to spell out four-letter words of encouragement. 

Throughout 2019, I spelled things like play, love, soul, sing, free, kind, nice, and able.

I had no idea that 2020 would have me spelling words like heal, care, pray, give, and cope. 

But here we are.

I can be thankful for the solitude that keeps me safe.

I can appreciate the essential stores that remain open

I can pray for the medical teams that sacrificially work.

I’m living with less but discovering that it really is more.

I could sink low, but it’s so much better to rise.

I can read.

I can talk, type, and make a thoughtful post.

I can share what is true.

I can choose to be calm.

God knows each need and He will never rest.

I don’t need to fear; God is near.

And having Him here is truly what’s best.

Good. Have. Look. Help. Hold. Glad. Hero.

There are so many four-letter words reminding me to live well.

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