Be A Maple

Yes, I took a picture of a piece of firewood. Maple, to be exact. It was from a huge maple tree that was a hundred feet tall, but it had a dangerous lean. Since it was close to our cabin, down it came. In early spring, it was bucked up into firewood. Since then it has been “seasoning” —which means being left to dry out before heading to the wood shed.

Now it’s July and as I was stacking it, I saw new saplings growing from some of the firewood. Honestly? The tree was cut down months ago and all on its own, several pieces of the firewood are growing new trees. Talk about resilience. Talk about survival.

But that can happen with us too. We can get cut down. We can get left out to “season” and those who want to survive start budding new growth. That’s resilience, that’s a new start. If a maple tree can do it, so can we.

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