Missing Christmas
There were times when worshipping a Savior
seemed unnecessary with so many other fascinating things out there to discover—places to
go and people to meet. I didn’t want God making rules for me. I was like King Herod who considered Jesus a threat to
his rule in his little kingdom—and like Herod, I totally missed out on Christmas.
Of course I didn't actually "miss" Christmas all those times I enjoyed it in conjunction with lots of other celebrations. Christmas meant gifts for me, time to relax, have fun, while looking ahead to New
Year’s Eve—the biggest party of the year. It was like my very own Roman
Empire—with lots of gods to worship—and some of those gods really liked to
Then there were those years when I missed Christmas as I
busily decorated the house, made special meals, bought perfect gifts, and made
daily To-Do lists that left me tired and cranky. I was like the Bethlehem
innkeeper who had a full house and no extra time or interest to help some poor
out-of-town guests.
It was when I was inside my own dark and starry night that I finally felt His comfort and joy that people sang about. Christmas was God’s gift of His Son to all mankind. And the celebration was for Him.
Centuries ago, the Bethlehem innkeeper, King Herod, and many others
in the Roman Empire missed the Christmas celebration that lasts forever. Christmas was the beginning of a never ending story—for me and for you. Something not to miss. Thankfully I won’t be
missing it ever again. Merry Christmas to all!