Christina and her Heavenly Journey

Christina took her final breath on earth the same day I honor my dad’s birth. While I'll always have memories of my dad on this day, now I can also recall a spirited, enthusiastically encouraging, light-hearted, and loving young woman.

She left an indelible mark in my life and thousands of others. She didn't set out to change our world; it's just the way she allowed her circumstances to be used by God.

During her journey with brain cancer she opened the door of her life and insightful words flowed out. Her passion for Jesus was infectious.

Christina would have me smiling as I read her blog...she'd find light in the darkest places. Cancer may have invaded her body, but it didn't steal her choice to live well.

She’d post pictures of her brain surgery haircuts right along with fun times with friends and family. And her irresistible smile made it impossible not to smile right back.

            Yet there was pain too. I’d be crying but Christina would instead be pointing to Heaven.

Not allowing fear to direct her life, she fell in love with an amazing guy. Her wedding pictures truly spoke thousands of words. Christina and Doug loved well—maybe not as long as any would hope, but it was a beautiful story they told. 

Doug & Christina & Isaiah

Then a precious little baby boy arrived, a bit early, but healthy and clearly a gift from God.

Near the end, with her own eyesight failing, Christina began to “see” even more with her heart—things she was excited to share so we could know how close Jesus is to us all the time—not just at the end of our life.

Ahmann Family

While some might see this as a tragic end for Christina, she could see that dying was getting her ready to truly live. It was as if Jesus let her open a heavenly window and peek inside. As long as she could, she shared all that she was seeing.

What did I learn the most?

Christina didn't just share God's truth, she lived it. That's the way I want to live.

Today is Christina’s first heavenly birthday. If she could still be blogging I can only imagine how she’d describe her year in Heaven. One day we’ll know. For now, I’m thankful I still have her words, and also her mom JoDee’s blog, Lessons From My Daughter.

It’s not how long we live, but how well we live each day. Christina lived for Jesus and she lived with Jesus and the best part is that Jesus lived in her. That’s worth celebrating today and forever. I can only imagine how she's probably celebrating right now.

Pictures are from Christina and JoDee's blogs.

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