The Appreciated Gift

He wouldn’t want many to know how dreadful the cancer journey has been. For some of us, who’d known him for a lifetime, he gave us an opportunity to come alongside and pray. 

Cancer is a scourge. But life with cancer need not be. 

That’s the appreciated gift I received from my cancer-in-remission-friend. 

Even though the remission is likely to be short-lived, he refuses to live a short-lived life. 

His faith in God’s provision is stronger. Family is a treasure. Life’s celebrations are memorable and joyous. The career that’s provided so much, is providing even more. 

He already knew these things, but through the lens of mortality, it’s far more clear. 

My friend is living with the expectant hope of new treatments. Yes, God provides. But as my friend waits, he cherishes the life he has now. 

He has shown me how to live with purpose, passion, and a stronger faith. As I celebrate this season, appreciating life is the best gift to have.  

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