Open or Closed Doors

It was an odd project to do on the last day of the year—installing a new door. The old door had served its time and with rot along the bottom and barely able to close, it was retired from active duty.

I thought about that old door and how many days I’d opened it to begin my work day. It had sheltered me from the cold, the rain, and the snow. If it had ears, it would have heard thousands of phone calls as my husband and I worked side by side.

The new door is beautiful. It lets in more light and is resilient to the routine rains. I look forward to opening it each day of this new year. 

This isn’t the only door I can open. 

Will I open the door to my heart and love more fully? Will I close the door of my unfair expectations, and be more satisfied with the things I can't change? 

In a season of division in our nation, will I close the door of my negativity, and open the door of graciousness? Those doors are all there for me to open or close. 

The year is just getting started, and I’ve already been tempted to barge through some of the wrong doors. So, I'm praying that God will help me open the right ones. That makes for better days.

“I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close." Revelation 3:8 

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