It is finished

 Romans 8:22  “For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers together until now.”  

I heard creation groaning last week. It was a mournful cry along the shoreline. Approaching closer, I saw a goose. It kept up its pitiful cry as I drew near. Then I saw the reason for his anguished call—another  goose was resting on the shore—his mate. Desperate, pleading cries continued as he paced back and forth. I’ve seen loved ones pacing like this in hospital waiting rooms.

But the goose resting in the sand didn’t move. I walked by her quietly and respectfully. She looked comfortable, as if she only stopped to enjoy the sun in this quiet cove. Instead, she’d taken her last breath.

I looked at her mate—waiting, calling, wondering, probably knowing, he was now alone. The sorrowful scene made me ache. His pleading call echoed over the shore. Creation groaned.

Good Friday is the day when Jesus died on the cross. The Son of God groaned. His final words were, “It is finished.” With those three words we are promised an eventual end to the groaning in our earthly home. With those three words we are offered comfort now, knowing it is finished. We await a perfect home.

But as we wait for God’s full redemption of our broken world, we still suffer traumatic losses, and suffer terrible pain.

We hear creation’s groaning among our family, friends, nation, and world.

We groan when we desire what is good, and don’t always receive it. We groan when we lose those we love. We feel tears running down our weary faces.  It’s like Good Friday on those hardest of days. What’s good about it? Good Friday is our reminder that one day our groaning will end for good. “It is finished.”

Jesus opened the door to our new life. Our real life—the one that will be without the groaning, or the tears.

He also opened the door to have Him with us while we wait. We can live more joyfully now because of Him. We can love more fully now because He’s with us. And when we hurt, Jesus reminds us that it won’t last, “It is finished.” Easter morning is coming.

Blessed Easter, my friends.

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