Beginner's Love

If you thought glitter was messy in the hands of a preschooler, I suggest decorative sugar sprinkles—especially the ones that are like tiny balls that bounce in all directions when spilled. But I wanted to do this. Valentine’s Day is about love, and for me, spending time—even messy time with my family, is the kind of love that fills my heart.

While we worked, we chatted about what we were celebrating—it’s about loving others—and feeling loved—which is something, even at her age, she understands.

As we made Valentine’s cards for her family, we talked about how love feels. That’s beginner’s love—we feel the love from those who care for us. At her age, love is wrapped up in a big hug, and time spent with her.

As we know, life teaches us about love—sometimes hard lessons, but don’t give up on love. Even when love hurts, it also has the capacity to heal us. Love is an investment too. Some call it a love bank—you make deposits, one loving act at a time, and over time those investments grow. Do we get rich?

Oh yes, love can make us quite wealthy. But when we love others—we’re making deposits in their love banks. That’s where our love investments matter the most.

As I watch my granddaughter’s beginner’s love—I know it’s vital to who she is now, and who she will become.

Keep on loving! Happy Valentine’s Day too!

 "Everything you do should be done in love." 

           1 Corinthians 16:14

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