Celebrating Easter
I only have this one photo from my childhood Easter celebrations. My dad took the picture, so he was behind the camera, dressed in his suit and tie. We were about to walk down the street to our church. I remember the beautiful stained glass in the sanctuary and the organ music that filled the room.
The message of Easter—that Jesus had died and now had risen—was something I'd learned, but didn’t truly understand yet.
It took growing up, growing older, and growing more weary of this world to appreciate the message of Easter. That message tells about the suffering Jesus endured, his sacrifice for us all, and ultimately winning the war against death—because he lived again.
Jesus told us the most important thing we can do with our lives is to love God and to love others. He also gives us the power to do that and live with hope and joy in this broken world.
We also have his promise that our best life is the one that comes after this one—because then, there will be no more pain, sorrow, or suffering. That’s worth celebrating every day.