The Ugly Mulch Lesson

I wanted to get some mulch to help keep the weeds down around our place. Our firewood guy said he had just the stuff we needed. He delivered two dump truck loads. It was a mix of sawdust, dirt, some good sized rocks, random-sized wood chunks and kindling. I wanted a deal. And now I had a cheap one.

I approached the huge piles and began by pulling out the wood kindling and large rocks. I’d pitchfork the mulch-like remainder into my wheelbarrow. Over and over.

I told myself I’d do ten wheelbarrow loads a day or until I got in a bad mood—whichever came first. Of course with my Type A tendencies, I’d always do my ten loads, even if the final three were done with a bit of grumbling and complaining. I finally finished—just as summer arrived.

For my next-to-nothing cost, my weeds are buried under a ton of mulch. I know how beauty bark got its name—it looks nice. Um, my mulch doesn’t. But around here, where deer are frequent visitors, moles have staked their claim, and rabbit burrows are hidden from the lurking owls but leave ankle-twisting holes, I’ve learned that beauty isn’t about looks, it’s about a beautiful way to share life.

As we share life in America, with all of the opportunities to disagree, may we still celebrate together. May we work together.

Even if there’s ugly mulch sometimes, may we still be America the beautiful.


Happy 246th Independence Day!

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