Senior Year is Here

It’s here—my grandson’s final year of high school. He captured my heart long ago. We went from building Lego cities together to having adult conversations. 

He’s one of a kind and I like to imagine where he’ll be in a decade. But even with all of his computer savvy, math, and science knowledge, the thing that impresses me most is his kind heart. 

He has been the kid on the lookout for the one sitting alone in the lunchroom. He’s the one who takes an extra half-minute, as he’s rushing to get out the door to school, to stop and hug his little sister and tell her he loves her. Teachers have prepared him academically; his parents have prepared his heart.

I suppose in this hectic school year ahead he will be asked dozens of times about his future plans. He’ll be deciding about college and a career path. But first, I hope he’ll enjoy all the final high school events.

Yes, I want him to be successful in his future. But I’m praying that his caring heart will continue to grow right along with him, because having a loving heart builds a kind of wealth and peace-filled lifestyle that money can't buy. 

I’m hopeful for Generation Z—this digitally connected demographic. They seem equipped for the world they are entering soon—at least they aren’t fazed by new technology. I wish we had a kinder, less divisive world for them, but perhaps with enough good Gen Z hearts it could happen on their watch.

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