Stressed? Take a dose of childhood

I had the best week. I didn’t read the news, nor did I accomplish much work. I spent my time playing.

It  was easy to do with my granddaughter. She’s hardwired for play. We had days of togetherness, while her parents celebrated their wedding anniversary in Aruba. 

It was a win-win for us all.

She’s full of energy from the moment she awakens. She jumps out of bed and slides down the banister to get downstairs. 

Besides school, she’s playing soccer, taking Ninja classes, and piano lessons.  She’s always full-steam ahead.

Her world is still a simple place, but it was simple for me too when I was young. So, it’s easy for us to pretend and have it be quite real for now.

She’s old enough to remember this special week, and yet young enough to still want to share all the time she has with her old grandma. 

Her world will keep getting more complicated, but my prayer is that even with less playtime in the years to come, she’ll remember that love can keep growing—no matter how old we get. 

And that’s a simple truth we all need to remember: Love can keep growing.

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