Be There

I’ve heard that mothers of sons sometimes have a harder time letting them go. Perhaps, but if letting go means gaining a bonus daughter like I have, then I have had it easy.

Sara became my son’s fiancée a year ago. Today I celebrate her first birthday as his wife.


Tommy and Sara met as Covid was wreaking havoc on the economy. Like many in business, they lost money and job security. 


But they did find one another. 


They continued on despite the setbacks. Entrepreneurship takes a special kind of courage. And they help each other on those days when courage runs out the back door. 


In a world that can sometimes be unfair and mean-spirited, they are committed to rising above the fray and just being the best, they can—for one another, and for all those they enjoy serving.


As for Sara, her business takes ordinary events and makes them spectacular. From the food to the decorations, music, and ambiance, it’s incredibly welcoming. 


But most of all, she makes sharing life better because of her unwavering commitment to be there in the truest sense of those words. 


She cares, she shares, she listens and responds, she’s watching for ways she can help.


To be there for someone is a tremendous gift to offer. 


So, as I celebrate Sara today, I’m inspired to think of ways I can be there for others. It’s such a generous way to live.

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